Project Title: Land Real Estate

A Real Estate Web-Application, where users can view, select services, and track their bids on properties. The web-app aims to decrease communication issues that could arise in other alternatives of this application by bringing people who wish to buy or sell real estate together.
All through an interactive web-based application, that's friendly, swift, and easy to use.
It reduces the communication difficulties between the parties through having a live auto translation service during the chat, as one of the ways of communication between buyers and agents.
The web-app provies various other features alongside auto-translation such as, Currency Converter, Contract & Bidding System, and many more.
The web-app is developed using various technologies, providing a friendly and rich user interface and a quick response time.

 Framework: Django
 Backend: Python
 Frontend: Html, CSS (Boostrap 5), JavaScript
 Database: PostgreSQL (hosted)

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The project is completed and tested. To view the code, please contact the developer.

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