Project Title: Binary Search Tree

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a node based binary tree of effective data organization as mentioned above. A BST consists of a node (Root or Parent), and two subtrees (Right, Left), also known as the right child and left child. In BST, the items are distributed based on the size of each item.
An important point to mention, BST usually operates with numbers rather than characters or strings. Thus, this algorithm inserts nodes based on the ASCII decimal number representation of the string inputted.
To explain, when a user enters a name, a FOR function iterates over the string and adds the ASCII decimal representation of each character to a variable using CASTING method to change the data type of each character temporally. When the FOR loop terminates, it returns the total ASCII decimal representation of the string.

 Backend: C
 Frondend: Command Line Interface is used for demonstration, the actual Web-application has its own UI
 Database: Local Data Structure

Colors may differ due to file compression.


Below is a more detailed visual representation of how inserting a node works, based on the decimal (ASCII) representation. Displayed inputs are not the same.

Visual Representation


The project is partially completed, User Interface (UI) is still under construction. To view the code, please contact the developer.

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